Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Hemorrhaging Wallet

This has been the Week from Poverty. I just picked up my ten year old car from the repair shop ($1700+). It took six days, so that meant a car rental. Then there was a $499 bill for vancomycin treatment when I got staph in the hospital after hip surgery a year ago!!!!! It takes forever to get medical bills straightened out.

Back to the car...Boy, is it weird driving a different model when you're so used to your own. I gave up on the radio stations...all rock and roll, or whatever they play today. What turned out to be fun was the key gimmick that flashes a light and locks and unlocks the doors. Gotta have one! It was the only way I could find the car, since I never could remember what kind it was, except silver colored.

The other fun thing was the clean trunk. Like, empty. All my stuff was locked in the Toyota. I had to make one trip to get my uniform for hospital volunteering, but I forgot to drag out the collapsible basket-on-wheels for groceries. No matter. I'm eating up all the 50% off goodies I bought when our local mom 'n pop store, Ooka's Supermarket, closed.

And that's the news from Lake Wobegon.


Blogger Sarah Bott said...

What is vancomycin?

And yes--you absolutely need that automatic door opener!!!

12:28 PM  

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