Sunday, May 29, 2005

Back in the Saddle Again

Wow! Just like old times. Today I volunteered in the ER, which I did a lot before the hips kicked in. There were two older ladies in one of the cardiac rooms, and they had their luggage on the floor. Obviously they had either just arrived or were just leaving. It turned out they were in an automobile collision on the way to the airport, and were banged up a little...not too much, but the one on the gurney had a history of heart trouble, so they were checking her out pretty thoroughly.

Would she be released ? If not, where would the other one stay? If so, could they get a cab in time to make the flight? I almost fainted to hear David, the nurse, say "Emily could take them." It wouldn't be the first time, and I was going to offer anyway, but, frankly, I was getting tired and didn't want to hang around.

Luckily she was released, and while they got her dressed I plodded up the road to the car, which was parked way up the hill. It all worked out fine. They made the flight, got her a wheelchair, and were on the way back to Reno.I went home, ate some cheese and crackers and got ready for my Scrabble game upstairs with my 95 year old neighbor. I mean, how much excitement can you stand?

Friday, May 20, 2005

Homemade Bread

Well, it's really not from scratch. I use a bread machine. But boy, does it smell great. I can't wait to toast the heel and spread it with softened Rosenborg Extra Creamy imported Danish Blue Cheese, and wash it down with an icy martini.

Actually I stole the cheese...not intentionally, but when I got home from Safeway it was in mu purse, and not on the checkout slip. Being an honorable human being, I called the store. They said just write down the numbers on the bar code and, next time I come in they can charge me. Wouldn't you think they'd at least have said "thanks?" Maybe I won't pay. They don't know who I am. Nah. Pay up.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Dirty Old Man, continued

He didn't show up at the Scrabble game. Lucky thing. I had a little speech all prepared. Also had butterflies in my stomach. Glad I didn't have to tell him.

Happy Ending--Almost

How do you buy a tablecloth for a new table that hasn't come yet? (It's pictured on the previous blog.) You can't. Big shock! Hardly any round cloths out there. Plenty of vinyl, but the kids are long gone and I refuse to put "oilcloth" into what passes for my living/dining room. So far no luck at Wal-Mart, KMart, Home Depot, Macy's, Pier 1 and that other big box store, whatever they call it. Getting discouragesd but won't give up.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Newer New Table

Originally uploaded by Portland.
Okay, I'll be truthful. From the moment the cardboard fell away, I hated the new dropleaf table. It was too dark; too big. It just didn't fit my space. If I placed the flat side against the wall, I ate dinner looking at a bookcase. If I turned it on end, it stuck way out into the room. How on earth could I have agreed to buy it?

Pier One agreed to take it back...and the chair, which I also hated. I won't stick them for the cushion.

Here's the happy ending. I walked into the same store yesterday and there was exactly what I was looking for: a lovely solid pine table, nicely grained, with matching chairs. I'd have carried it home on my back had they had it in stock, which, of course, they didn't. There's only one hitch. Some assembly required. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Dirty Old Man

Phew! How can you be smart enough to play Scrabble but not smart enough to know you, like three-day dead Lazarus, "stinketh"? I played yesterday at a retirement home. The nearly blind lady couldn't help being a distraction, but the smelly guy had a choice. I had such a headache after one game that I switched tables. Any suggestions? If it's the same thing next week, I'm going to speak to him or hand him a note after the game.

On a lighter note, my new dining room table came at last, after about five weeks. It took two hours to get rid of all the wrappings, except for the cardboard crating. We can't put that in our dumpster. It has to go to a recycling center. I'm still chasing little plastic "bubbles" around the floor. They seem to have an electricity of their own, and they move on the air current, away from you, as you get anywhere near with a broom or rubber scooper.

Life is excellent.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Mini iPod

Gracious to Betsy, this is a lot of fun (and a lot of frustration.) You think you have the cd imported. It shows on the computer but not on the iPod. However, when it works it's great. Last night I woke in the middle of the night and listened to tunes from Sleepless in Seattle, plus some soothing Hawaiian stuff. Much better than the heavy works frequently played on PBS, or Art (gag) Bell.Has anyboy really died and come back?

Chemical Treadmill

I had to take a treadmill test today for a pre-surgical cardiac workup. Because it's a hip replacement, I couldn't do the regular "trot till you drop" routine. No worries. They lay you out, inject some kind of poison into your vein, and for six minutes you wish you were dead. The drug expands your arteries (?), simulating the effects of a murderous run. There's a cardiologist right there "in case", but it's the nurses who notice you've turned beet red. "Are you uncomfortable?" After what seems like half an hour, they cheerfully announce: "You're almost halfway through...only a little more than three minutes."I assume surgery is still a "go". Surely they'd have called by now if something turned up. ...Oops, there goes the phone.

I Bought a Mini iPod

It's beautiful...silver and sleek and already in its case, complete with those little postal name tage you get in the mail. Hey...I lose things. So far I've read "the destructions," as the kids used to say. I've installed the cd and plugged in the charger. I've even gone through a bunch of cds and noted which songs to copy. HOWEVER. The rubber hasn't hit the road yet. There's another hour to go on the charging bit, and then the fun begins. Can I transfer the cds? Does anybody care?


iPod or Mini iPod? Or neither? I listened to a cd earlier today....couldn't get it onto the iMac.....couldn't open the "drawer". Why are things so complicated? Anyway, the cd was so stirring that I realluy do want my own muasic when I go to the hospital. Last time I lay in the dark and fumbled with buttons which produced cowboy wailings or phone calls from people who swear they seen UFOs, by golly. When you're hallucinating already from morphine, you don't need to hear about UFOs. There's gotta be a column in there someplace. Yea!!

Soccer Tutu

My grandson Kale's soccer team had its last game today. In a little bit I'll go up to their house for the postgame party. My daughter warned me that the boys might be a little "strong." It brings back the days when high schooler Eric was on the Baldwin cross country team, and I used to pick him and his buddy Robert Hill up. (Pick them up? It was a good half hour's drive each way, but Robert's father disapprovaed of his son's running, so he wouldn't pick them up at all.) Boy, did they stink! Since these are younger kids, prepubescent for the most part, it shouldn't be that bad. Maybe they'll stay outsiuide on the trampoline!One good thing about "maturing"....The older you get, the less Right Guard you need..

I told you so

He never met a test he didn't like, that cardiologist. Two more scheduled before he okays hip surgery. Frustrating. But tonight I'll thaw a steak and enjoy the good life; fresh spinach, fresh mushrooms, a fresh martini. Life is still good. ....Okay, how can I get the time at the bottom of the page to stay on Hawaiian std., and not keep recerting back to west coast time? And how can I find other bloggers? Feels like I'm alone out there.

In 15 minutes

In 15 minutes the cardiologist can say :"No surgery." I'll hit him with my cane if he does. Do you pray? Then please do so.

That's a Lie

First day is NOT the hardest. But this is fun. fun, fun, right? Actually things are good. I'm listening to a Hapa cd, the bed is changed, the dishes washed, the first load of laundry is chugging away, and that ain't half bad. Now.......the iPod. I really want to bring favorite music to the Great Palace of Pain for my hip surgery. How do you get the cds onto the iPod? Aloha to the world, Moi

First time's the hardest?

Hey, help! My kids say blogging's the greatest, but they're on the mainland. What do they know? (I'm lucky enough to live in Hawaii) This is the first entry. I'm almost through reading To Kill a Mockingbird. Such a great story (and movie.) What are you up to, whoever is out there? Answer and I promise not to tell you about my upcoming hip replacement. Aloha to the world.


Right now I have not one, but two blogs with the same name, and neither one accepts new entries. Will daughter Sarah, computer fiend, rescue me? Stay tuned....if you care.

Second Time Around

It's taken me a month to figure out how to get back onto this blog. And it was only by luck. God knows if I can do it again. If anybody wants to know, the second hip replacement went much more smoothly than the first. For one thing, no morphine. That self-administered drip darn near killed me last time, what with the hallucinations and Olympic quality heaving. And the fact that I didn't get a staph infection this time shows how it was supposed to be done. Check the Haleakala Times, Silver Streak column, coming out May 11 if you really care. It's rainy on Maui today. You can't see Haleakala, which is unusual. But it's warm. I love it